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He did not survive. I did. I survived his death.

Little Krishna taught me a lot in his short sunshine existence.

1.No matter how much I tried to escape motherhood and its webs, being a pet-owner was a trap. I could not escape the tenderness, the protective clutch, the anxiety as the clock approached 5pm-seed- feed time, the flight of the mind in the midst of a busy day to envision his tottering delight at my arrival. Owning a pet is exactly like bearing a child.

2. How to stand your ground in the face of intimidation (from his own parents, no less).

3.How crystal clear animals are in their survival-of-fittest rules, as opposed to humans. Sultana did not protect her son, did not mollycoddle him.Would a human being be allowed to do the same, without facing censure and derision?

Ayn Rand says we are the only species who tries to numb and dumb children’s minds, try our best to evade their questions , try to smother their intellect. In effect, we try to dampen the mind, our strongest survival instinct that separates us from animals. Animals seem merciless, but their little ones become self-reliant much sooner than ours.

so is a human being a step-up or step-down the ladder of existence?