Author: Dr Nachiket Vyas

Genre: medical drama, contemporary fiction

Storyline: Nitty gritties of every medical student encapsulated

Pros: I related thoroughly with every word. Could smell the toxic fumes of formalin, visualise the trepid white coats peering over Kalu the cadaver (I remember mine was coined Harry!) and feel the 275 kg Grey’s volume. The palpitations of being a successful entrant, the terror of hostel tyrants, the voluminous syllabus that saps the brain and drains energy, the stinking aprons, the ubiquitous stetho parading like a garland or coiled like a serpent around the neck; and of course, the dread that every disease you read has already attacked your system.
Nachiket makes doctors waltz into the amygdala (read – memories). Non medicos who envied the glittering tip of iceberg will finally appreciate and apprehend the toil underlying it. Interwoven are also the love-hate relations, the eternal friendships and tender family moments welling up between its 5 protagonists. Humor (artificial insemination!) bursts through to relieve the stressful moments.

Cons: Bit high priced.

Pages: 352

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